location:Products -> Suction Catheter

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  Suction Catheter (Front End)

Suction Catheter
China Suction Catheter

Description:Suction Catheter Tip
Suction Catheter Details:
★ A suction catheter is a flexible, long tube attached on one end to the breathing tube. The other end of the suction catheter is connected to a collection container and a device that generates suction.
★ A suction catheter is used for removal of secretion from trachea and bronchial tube
★ The soft distal tip of Hengkang's suction catheter reduces the possibility of damage to patients with repeated suctioning.
★ A suction catheter with large opening distal tip provides for easy and efficient removal of secretions.
★ A suction catheter with smooth, close to the tip lateral eyes maximize suction efficiency.
★ A suction catheter with numerical depth markings ensure the accuracy of depth when suctioning.
★ Transparent suction catheter tubing maximizes the visibility of suctioned secretions.

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